Kinfire is a new festival but it’s heart is ancient. We love Jesus and that means loving his word and the church he laid down his life for. Kinfire exists to make much of Jesus and to equip his disciples here in Ireland to live for him.
Kinfire is a new festival but it’s heart is ancient. We love Jesus and that means loving his word and the church he laid down his life for. Kinfire exists to make much of Jesus and to equip his disciples here in Ireland to live for him.
The God of the universe has spoken, and we hear His voice in the Scriptures. Human beings flourish when we hear His voice and are brought to new life. We believe that the Bible is the supreme and final authority in the Christian life, and through it we come to know the God who made us, loves us and has rescued us. The Kinfire festival has the Word of God at the core of each part of its programming, from our main stage expositions to kids' ministry, seminars and the songs we sing!
We love the Church because Jesus loves the Church. Ireland needs vibrant, healthy communities of believers where the glory of Jesus is displayed to a watching world. We believe that God works through local churches to reach our cities, towns and villages. Kinfire wants to celebrate what God is doing amongst our churches and equip believers through seminar training to better serve in their local church.
The good news of Jesus is the hope that our hopeless world desperately needs to hear. Our aim is that Kinfire will renew our passion for reaching the lost, planting churches and seeing the kingdom expand here in Ireland and across the world. We want to train people to better understand and share their faith, and send them out confidently to live and speak for Jesus.